HOI4 Leader Guide Part 2

Part I: Guide to Hearts of Iron IV leaders

Deutsches Kaiserreich

Image result for german empire flag

le moustache pickelhaube man

kaiser wilhelm

Likes: Re-annexing Elsass-Lothringien, bullying France, long dutch beach holidays, moustache pamper clinics, playing earrape German anthems while annexing territories

Dislikes: France, two-front wars, the Maginot line, unpolished headgear




thicc moustache boy


Before Monarchism:                                                              After Monarchism:


Carol II







Likes: being puppeted by Germany, Monarchist coups, joining the Allies for no reason then capitulating, giving Bessarabia to papa

Dislikes: Being overthrown, losing Transylvania to Hungary, running out of mustache wax


Cap’n Calinescu


armand calinescu

Likes: Plunder, Making enemies walk the plank, parrots, telescopes, monocles, unicycles, evil schemes for world domination

Dislikes: Land-lubbers, depth perception, having full 180 degree vision, those meddling kids

Calinescu’s piracy theme:

Dominion of Canada

Image result for dominion of canada

generic apology man


mackenzie king

Likes: Hockey, demanding patriation from Britain then doing absolutely nothing, shovelling show, befriending moose

Dislikes: France, poor quality hockey sticks, enemy leaders who can’t play hockey, punting a small black disc into the back of a net



Image result for australia flag

outback survival expert


john curtin

Likes: losing wars to emus, being killed by wildlife, getting beaten up by kangaroos, being burned alive by the sun, koalas, wobble-boards

Dislikes: living in an actually safe and danger-free country, spiders smaller than a human hand, crocodiles that do not kill people

generic meme australian song:



tsar boring


likes: being a boring version of the thicc moustache boy, declaring himself neutral out of nowhere, doing absolutely nothing to help the axis when they need it, stealing thicc moustache boy’s moustache wax

dislikes: thicc moustache boy (for having a thiccer moustache), getting raided by Cap’n Calinescu and his pirate gang, being bullied by the Allies and Romania


Image result for mongolia flag hoi4

anadin extra

anandyn amar

Likes: Turtle-neck sweaters, cosmetic beauty products, having peachy smooth skin, modelling the latest communist knit-wear, being papa’s emotional support during the hard times

Dislikes: aging, dry skin, wrinkles

British Raj


smug colony man



Likes: being smug, being dashing, colonising natives

Dislikes: France, running out of tea, land that is not colonised

when you see some prime uncolonised land:

when you see some uncolonised natives




fresh prince of yugo

Prince Paul

Likes: Being annexed by Germany, having war declared on him for no reason, Croatian uprisings, starting his own faction with Romania then getting instantly invaded, fresh AF uniforms

dislikes: himself, Tito



broz tito

Likes: being an absolute unit, not allying with the Soviet Union, polished epaulettes

Dislikes: the capitalists, papa, fun, the fresh prince of yugo, you




the pahlavio bros bro #1

rezah shah pahlavi

Likes: collecting coins (by selling oil), eating one-up mushrooms (purchased with oil money) and rescuing princesses, occasionally reinstating the persian empire

Dislikes: turtles, spikes, evil plants, the Tudeh party (and their silly leader Soleyman)

Pahlavio bros views on abortion:

pahlavi bros meme


Part 1 – Guide to Hearts of Iron IV leaders

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